Friday, November 29, 2019

The Coriolis effect Essay Example

The Coriolis effect Paper Galileus corrected this view by explaining the path of such a projectile as a parabola, where a continual downward motion acts on the object, that being the pull of gravity. Newton furthered Galileus argument in showing mathematically, that the impetus was not used up, rather gravity restricted the cannons range by altering the shape to that of a parabola. Newton would argue that when sufficient force is given to the shell, the projectile would fall all the way around the Earth, never touching the ground, prescribing an elliptical orbit. But here is a contradiction. The trajectory of a projectile must follow the arc of an ellipse, not that of a parabola. The curve of a parabola is totally different to an ellipse, so, why then, does Science maintain such a basic false belief? Newton did not realise that he copied an error. It is obvious he did not understand the effects of atmospheric drag, cross-winds, tail winds, chemical behaviour, supersonic melting, and the rotation of the Earth, (the Coriolis effect) because these effects were scientific mysteries at that time. Since Newtons time, much has been discovered and alterations made to Newtons theory. But these changes were at great cost. Although new words and definitions clarified Newtons laws, the nineteenth century scientists and mathematicians who resolved Newtons initial mistakes and omissions, feared scientific outrage, for Newton, the legend, grew more powerful in death. Many who although correct and for the correct reasons, attacked The Great Newton, became ostracised by the scientific community. Credit was rarely bestowed on them, leaving them in historys void. We will write a custom essay sample on The Coriolis effect specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Coriolis effect specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Coriolis effect specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer One can pick up virtually any Physics book (this one included) to discover unique translations and understandings of Newtons laws by each author. In Newtons Principia (1726) , the three laws of motion are written as; Law 1. Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by force impressed thereon. Law 11. The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed. Law 111. To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts. The second law is perhaps the most changed through translation. There are so many interpretations of this law that the situation becomes rather confusing. The following are three common variations on Newtons theme. The force required to accelerate a body is proportional to the product of its mass and its acceleration. (Various authors)that if an unbalanced force acts upon a body, the body will be accelerated; the magnitude of the acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the unbalanced force, and in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the unbalanced force. (H. Semat) The acceleration caused by one or many forces acting on a body is proportional in magnitude to the resultant of the forces, and parallel to its direction, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the body. (Resnick Halliday) But these translations seem to have different meanings. In the Principia, Newtons words describe this second law with If any force generates a motion, a double force will generate double the motion, a triple force triple the motion, whether that force be impressed altogether and at once, or gradually and successively. And this motion (being always directed the same way with the generating force), if the body moved before, is added to or subducted from the former motion, according as they directly conspire with or are directly contrary to each other; or obliquely joined, when they are oblique, so as to produce a new motion compounded from the determination of both. Newtons second law seems to be in contradiction to his third law, though there is something in the third law which many fail to see. Again, from Newtons Principia, the description of the third law is If a body impinges upon another, and by its force change the motion of the other, that body also (because of the equality of the mutual pressure) will undergo an equal change, in its own motion, towards the contrary part. The changes made by these actions are equal, not in the velocities but in the motion of bodies; that is to say, if the bodies are not hindered by any other impediments. For, because the motions are equally changed, the changes of the velocities made towards contrary parts are reciprocally proportional to the bodies. Both Newton and Galileus noticed that the outcome bore an inverse proportionality to the body (the mass) of the object. Yet, none of the equations involve the square root of the mass, or the mass squared. In mathematics, when two or more variables are proportional, then the mathematics reflects that concern by the use of the symbol ? . Normally, Newton calls equal proportions, equal, but here he does not and none of the translations do. Universally, they must use the word proportional, not equal. The equation written as F = m a, does not state any proportionality, rather the emphatic is bluntly stated using the operand equals. This equation fails to imply proportionality or that the force is directly proportional, or for that matter, that there is a reciprocity in proportions between the components. Should not the equation be written as F ? m a or perhaps, F = m2 a If F = m2 a happens to be true, it would create a disaster in many areas, for it does not answer (at this moment) any questions, rather it would create a million problems. Proving such as true, would mean that the standards and definitions currently accepted by Physics and the other sciences, (those that rely on the accuracy of Newtons equation F = m a ) would need to be replaced and reworked. Newtons laws of motion relate to linear motion, to all motion in a straight line, when such motion is not found, not possible on the Earth. The cosmological planet Earth is turning on its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes 4. 1 seconds, a rotational speed of 0. 0000116057615 rps. This may be slow, but it is rotating, for even Galileos last words And the Earth still moves made this message clear. The rotation on the Sun is much slower for one revolution takes about 28 days, giving a rotational speed of 0. 0000004145 rps. Jupiters rotation is the most rapid of all the planets completing a single rotation in 9 hours 50 minutes, a rotational speed of 0. 0000282485875 rps. The equatorial tip-speed of astronomical objects, even at low rotational speeds can be an awesome number, due to the radius of the object. A galaxy just a thousand light years across, having a circumference of 3,141. 59 light years does not need to rotate very quickly for the tip-speed to present a red-shift approaching light speed. An annual difference in position of a light year would need to equal the distance light travels in that year, so, the galaxy would need to turn just once in 3,141. 59 years, at which point the outer stars and nebulosity would reach light speed. Generally, galaxies rotate very slowly, but this does not make them any different to normal matter, for the Laws of Nature apply across and throughout the Universe. The major forces involved in a galaxy are rotational. Although magnetism and gravity are far less powerful forces, they shape the galaxy, promoting other fantastic effects. The source of cosmological rotational energy can originate from near-miss gravitational interactions, such as when a galactic body of stars is pulled towards a passing galaxy, the gravitational disturbance produces a sling-shot-effect and the distribution of energy causes both galactic bodies to respond to such motion. But to understand a galaxy means understanding rotation. Foucaults gyroscope is the most amazing scientific toy to observe rotational energy. The toy can be purchased from most toy stores, newsagents and educational supply companies for less than $20. The basic gyroscope can be made for less than a dollar from odds and ends, constructed by attaching a small shaft through the centre of a balanced disk. All spinning objects are gyroscopes; a trucks spinning tyre; a spinning thumb tack; a childs top; a motor; the flywheel and the turbine. As a disk is spun at a high rotational speed, several strange events will be noticed, but be careful, basic safety procedures should be observed, for spinning objects have a habit of breaking apart, grabbing hair, causing deep wounds, and racing across the floor, possessing a definite tendency to break the most expensive piece of pottery in the house. Murpheys laws apply. There are many observational illusions that lurk in rotating devices. With the axis vertical, merely placing the stationary gyroscope on the floor, shows the force of gravity, for it falls over. However, when the disk is spun as rapidly as possible, the device defies gravitys pull, standing upright without falling over, yet the spinning disk and its frame have the same weight. The spinning disk may develop a strange wobble, where the top-most point of the axis seems to follow a circular path, but no matter what is done, this precession follows the direction of rotation. This is the precession of the axis. There seems to be no way of making the precession travel in the reverse direction to the rotation. One can shake, vibrate, thump it, flick or attack the frame, without any change to the direction of precession. It could be easy to argue using simple observations to conclude that precession has something to do with the direction of rotation, gravity, or the bearing drag, but this is not so. Turning the spinning gyroscope upside-down or making it spin in the opposite direction, does not alter the direction of precession for it still follows the direction of spin. Most Physics educators fall head-first into the because-it-is-done-this-way trap, because an observational illusion dictates the mathematics and international scientific agreement alters the truth, hiding the mechanism. The method locks the bottom axle bearing to a hypothetical x-y-z coordinate point in relating precession to the force of gravity on the entire structure acting at that point. This is not the true reference point for the gyroscope is not a terrestrially referenced device, yet the terrestrial frame of reference is repeatedly used. The gyroscopes frame of reference is Universal. To prove this, it is necessary to do something so trivial, the feat escapes the attention of the most observant. Simply pick the spinning gyroscope up by the top-most bearing and it is seen to precess in the opposite direction to the spin! Immediately, all gravitational and bearing drag effects have been eliminated. An obvious observational error has introduced a nasty knowledge virus into Science where all observations of the gyroscope use the terrestrial frame of reference. The mathematical explanations of the gyroscope and its precession are illusions with physical manifestations producing complex physical properties! The gyroscope precesses around the gyroscopes axial centre, not the bottom-most bearing or the centre of mass. Mass irregularities between the axial centre and the centre of mass result in several commonly observed gyroscopic effects. If precession were a terrestrial event, then it would present opposite motion in each hemisphere, but then the Earth also precesses so where is the gravity pulling the Earth? Figure 14-1 changes the mathematical explanations in a single blow. Having realised the error, the mechanism must be found. But what happens when two disks are fixed to the same shaft? A train has such wheels, where a steel axle shaft supports a gyroscopic tyre on each end. Effectively, two independent gyroscopes are connected to a common shaft. The direction and speed of both gyroscopes can only be identical, where any differences will result from the mass distribution and balance of the tyres. The axle is connected to the bogie frame supporting each end of the shaft with a bearing. As the two disks rotate together, the left hand gyroscope has a precession clockwise on the left side and anti-clockwise to the right side. The right hand gyroscope is identical, meaning that along the centre shaft, there is a conflict in precession. The left wheel is twisting the shaft anti-clockwise, while the right wheel is twisting the shaft clockwise. At certain speeds, dangerous resonances occur in the shaft as the dual precession twists and strains the shaft. Figure 14-1 Reversing precession The complete bogie mounts two or more independent axle-wheel pairs. As the axles roll on the track, the left side wheels are twisting with a clockwise precession, while the right hand wheels are twisting with an anti-clockwise precession to the outside. Each wheel may be precessing at different rates. Bogie-slap is the term sometimes used to describe this effect, for no matter how well balanced the wheels may be, the bogie will wobble between the rails so erratically, it is to the discomfort of passengers, knocking the tracks apart, which, if not corrected can lead to a derailment. The solution to bogie-slap is to independently support inclined wheels on their own axles (figure 14-2). Figure 14-2 The Method of Correcting the dangerous gyroscopic instabilities in train wheels What happens when one continually flexes a thin wire? Even though the shaft may be 20 cm diameter machined steel, with time it must suffer metal fatigue, a molecular failure. The broken axle is generally attributed to mechanical failure not gyroscopically produced metal fatigue. Figure 14-2 illustrates this effect where the dual gyroscope action causes flexing, bending and distortion of the axle. When a motor is connected to a pulley, it forms the same dual structure with the same inherent twisting and resonance problems. As the motor spins up in speed, the connecting shaft enters regular periods of stability and instability as the twisting forces resonate through the shaft. This effect has nothing to do with gravity! With high speed drink mixers, the motors rotation passes through a speed-up gear system. The drive shaft of the high speed blender, has at one end, a very small gear coupled to a large motor gear. The beauty of this design is that it reduces the dual gyroscope effect, allowing the blender to reach speeds in excess of 10,000 rpm (166. 6 rps). Geologists have a great deal of trouble explaining why the Earths interior is hot. They believe that the internal temperature is related absolutely to the breakdown of atoms through nuclear events, where radioactive decay is the only accepted explanation. If this were the case, evidence should be found to substantiate the claim, like, everyone living near an active volcano should suffer radiation sickness and have mutant children. Radioactive decay need not be the full picture, for the rotating Earth must be considered as a rotating object, not as a static object. Any sphere can be considered as made up of many parallel balanced disk pairs, layer by layer, mounted on the axis. Each pair of disks forms the dual gyroscopic structure where the twisting forces are at loggerheads with each other, causing flexure, heating and stirring in the Earths interior. As long as the Earth turns on its axis, it will remain hot. Once a planet loses it rotation it will rapidly cool and solidify. Such dead non-rotating planets include Venus, Mercury and The Moon. Seismically, these dead planetary objects, when struck would all ring-like-a-bell. Massive dark objects, perhaps greater in size and mass than the Sun, will be found to exist in the Galaxy, as collapsed, non-rotating dead-stars. Such objects would contain normal matter, with normal densities, perhaps with a crust much like the Earth, of silicates and frozen gasses, water, Helium, Hydrogen, and Carbon structures. Gravitational differentiation (settling and separation of different mass molecules) in the cooling stellar mass may lead to critical mass conditions developing unstable shells at particular radial distances within the mass, causing an explosion that may regularly blow the dead-star apart, in many supernova events forming dangerous dark rubble-stars. Effectively, as the Earth is slowing down, it is losing heat ever so slightly. The current rate of slow down may be a second every century, but it is still a slow down. Back when the dinosaurs existed, the Earth would have experienced a much faster rotation. Perhaps, when the primordial Coriolis blob formed the Sun and Earth, the rotation may have been once every eight hours. This leads to a problem, because mankind is attempting to extract electrical power from geothermal sources. The greater the rate that power is removed, the cooler the Earth will become and the greater the rate of slow-down. Rotational energy does not work like gravity. It is not related to the actual or inferred centre of mass. The centre of mass is only a hypothetical point of maximum signal strength used in gravitational-feedback calculations. Nature does not work through calculations, rather she works with cause and effect, selectively evolving through survivors. Over-and-over-again, Nature will try the same experiment, even though failures occur, but one experiment will create a survivor. Many survivors create a colony. The key needed to solve Natures rotational trick is the direction of the axis itself. With any rotating object, a sphere, shell, cube, box, cylinder or, tube, prism or block, the axis must be considered as having no mass. The axle may have a mass, but the axis itself has zero mass. The axis is a hypothetical line joining all positions of zero motion, about which centrifugal forces radiate. Relativity shows there are actually two primary forces involved here, the centripetal force and the centrifugal force. The centripetal force holds matter together and allows energy to be transferred from the axis to the circumference of the object or vice versa. The centrifugal force is the radial spin-out force remaining perpendicular to the axis, from the particular axial height to the circumference at that height in the perpendicular direction. The gyroscope is not defying gravity, rather it is locking onto a fixed universal stationary direction, having a slipping plane direction. Figure 14-3 addresses the attributes of the gyroscope. Figure 14-3 The Gyroscopes forces. One demonstration of this is the nylon fibre lawn edge trimmer, where a single strand of 8 or 10 gauge nylon thread is twirled around a central hub so rapidly that it takes on the resilience of blade steel. Slow motion images of this cord show it to be absolutely taut, at an angle perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Equally, when a thin plastic disk is rotated, even at relatively low speeds, the disk takes on a rigidity perpendicular to the axis. Typical applications of this include the floppy disk drive and CD player. A soft plastic disk when rotated can be used to cut through much harder materials, due to the change in molecular strength. Describe the motion of a spinning woollen pom-pom with respect to the rotation. Across the surface of a rotating disk, the atmosphere is pulled around with the disk to be spun off creating a super high speed wind immediately above the disks surface. So powerful is this molecular wind, it is capable of holding tightly sprung disk-drive heads well apart and away from the surface of the floppy disk. A method of killing a disk drive is to evacuate the disk-head chamber. The same occurs in the hard disk drive (HDA), but rather than having one disk, the computers HDA may have as many as twenty four pancaked disks. The disk drive heads are virtually clamped together, but as the head assembly approaches the disk, the wind opens the heads and blows them apart, holding then at a constant height at that radius. The slower the disk speed (towards the centre), the closer the heads are to the surface. A particle of smoke hitting the head can cause gyroscopic instabilities between the head and the platter resulting in a head crash. This does not normally eventuate, though, when it does, the event is to be remembered, for nothing much remains. Typically, the head crash causes the disk to be cut away near the axis whereupon the disk sheers away. Needless to say, all the data stored on that disk drive is lost. Due to the seek times and storage needed in major mainframe computer installations, removable disk platters were used. Some of these drives spun the 8 plate 30cm diameter platters at speeds above 5,000 rpm ( 83. 3 rps producing a tip speed of some 178. 53 m/s or 282 Km/h). The head crash could cut the disk from the platter in a second. Once airborne, the disk would smash through the protective housing, the casing, flying-off across the computer room to bury itself edge-wise into any distant object, with such an impact force, chemical reactions take place between the disk and the object it entered. These disks do not strike objects, they enter them and form chemical bonds. As the gyroscope spins, it passes through periods of absolute stability, followed by periods of instability. As the disk slows, the precession becomes more and more pronounced. Eventually as the rotation fails, the force of gravity grounds the gyroscope. This effect indicates an atomic and molecular resonance in the gyroscope, where the centrifugal and centripetal forces are continually compensating. A magnetic shock travels along the axis and rebounds, but in the mean time, the disk has rotated. If the reflection point is immediately below or 180 degrees out of phase, stability exists in the gyroscope, however, as the reflection point drifts out of phase, the systems instability increases as the axis is knocked from the vertical position and then precession follows the rotation. The precession may cause the object to violently wobble when the phase shift is 90 degrees. This is a molecular resonance effect and is different between different materials. This is the G-wave, an effect caused by matters elasticity. The effect can be seen and heard during instability where the forces are so great, bearing grab presents a drag force causing maximum axial deviation and the observed precession. As the disk precesses, the bearings are pushed and pulled sideways with greater friction, transferring considerable rotation to the mounting frame. At high speeds the bearing drag pulls the gyroscopes mounting frame around rapidly but as soon as stability returns the frame ceases to be dragged around. With the on-set of stability, the pressure on the bearings is constant and minimal while the energy losses to the mounting frame are minimised. A worst case scenario is called bike-slap. It is a problem that has killed many expert motor bike riders. This is not a rider error, it is a serious motor bike problem. The effect results from numerous design errors in both the design and manufacture of the bike frame. It is a manufacturing fault and as such the manufacturers should be made to pay compensation to the families of those they have murdered and maimed through negligence. There is no justification for an inferior design in the market place, however one often observes the effect during motor bike races (to the amusement of the crowd). Basically, the frame holds the motor and its flywheel (the first gyroscope). As the steering geometry changes at speed, a small displacement in the angle of the front forks caused by a twist in the front wheel (the second gyroscope) to a slightly different angle to the real wheel (the third gyroscope) and the engine. The frame is allowed to flex within reason and within certain tolerances. The frame absorbs and stores the twisting forces as the rider enters a corner with the power on. As the corner is negotiated, the power applied to the back wheel is changed, but then without any warning, the twist forces stored in the frame suddenly release causing the bike to slap to one side, immediately throwing the front and rear wheels sideways, initiating precession at different rates in different respective directions, violently establishing an uncontrollable buckling oscillation in the bike, causing each gyroscope to slip, creating an effect much like sitting on a bucking bull. The rider can be lucky riding this bull and be thrown clear. Then again, one can be thrown under the oncoming traffic, into a curb, or have the bike come crashing down on top of oneself. This is not a pleasant experience and may occur by simply turning a corner at slow speed. Some very interesting effects are noted when the gyroscopes curved steel frame is supported by a moderately strong bar magnet (figure 14-4). An electrical eddy current flows in the spinning disk, effectively holding the gyroscope against the precession forces. To walk the square pole piece of the magnet into a different supporting position, (without touching the frame with the hands) is quite difficult. The bearings apply changing forces on the spinning mass, causing the axis to precess differently. One can hear the bearings grab as the axis attempts to remain pointing in the same direction. The energy transfer from the frame to the disk and back to the frame causes sudden and rapid axial direction changes. Moving the support position towards the axis reverses the precession while moving the support from the axis to the circumference produces a normal but temporary precession. In each case, the precession is sudden, and locks to a new direction. But there is more. Figure 14-4 Hanging the Gyroscope When the bar magnet is hung from 35 cm of string or wire, so that the magnet is vertical and away from any nearby obstruction, just hanging in space, the gyroscopes precession oscillates, due to the interaction between the magnet, the Earths rotation and magnetic field as well as the support position changes taking place. A small 1. 5 cm steel ball bearing placed in the magnetic circuit between the pole piece and the support housing removes the support position component caused by the square face of the magnet. With this change, normal precession is still resisted, giving a wobble until the disk starts to slow down. A great deal of bearing grab is heard as the gyroscope twists the string. With the axis slipping to the vertical, a great deal of vibration will be seen in the string. When prevented from slipping, the vibration in the string becomes pronounced. This stored twist force does not release until the rotation virtually ceases. The Gaxis seems to favour coming to rest pointing more vertically in the East-West direction. A well known childs toy, called the topsy-turvey-top, establishes a scientific problem of the first order. This has been addressed in several outstanding scientific papers. Basically, the top is weighted differently so that when spun between the fingers, it lands on the surface on its point, as do most other tops, but then completely does a back-flip to spin in the opposite direction, without any loss of rotational speed, balancing on the tops top point with stability. This is not really balancing as such. This is a demonstration of the conflict between rotational energy and gravity. How is the direction reversed? To change the direction of a gyroscope involves overcoming the centrifugal forces holding the axis in place. Once sufficient force is obtained, the axis can be made to move, to slip or yaw, rolling over so that the rotation of the axis is in the opposite direction, so any precession reverses, being relative to the direction of motion around the axis. For a locomotive pulling a train, travelling on a single track to change direction, requires slowing down, stopping completely and then pushing the train in the opposite direction. The same happens when a ball strikes a wall. Particle reflection takes a great deal of time and uses considerable energy to reverse the direction. However, the train may travel.

Monday, November 25, 2019

4 Ways to Spot a Cheater

4 Ways to Spot a Cheater Free Online Research Papers Even as an undergrad I was constantly amazed at the lack of consideration that my class mates would put into their course work. Cheating was obviously their first problem, but this article is less about the questionable ethics of someone that cheats. What always stood out for me was the beautiful combination of bad judgment and terrible Microsoft Word skills. Even more amazing is that I was a computer science student and surrounded by individuals with an amazing aptitude for technology that would often far exceed my own, so what was missing? Group assignments, from my perspective this type of assignment brings out the absolute worst in most people. I am not sure if it is just because when confronted the opportunity to be lazy most people opt in or it is the rare occasion to see how most people go about writing a paper. As a result of this trend I would go as far as to break a 4 person group into 3 authors and 1 editor because inevitably the paper would not have consistent flow without it. The following will outline the 3 most common things that people would do that made it blatantly obvious that they didn’t write their own part. I. Don’t use Wikipedia as a place to copy your entire paper. For one second just accept the fact that you are not the only person on the planet with access to the internet and furthermore you don’t have secret access to Google. I laugh at how lame mot people are when it comes to their ability to search, thinking that results they pulled back are only disclosed to them. II. Answer the question that you are supposed to. A good sign that someone is cheating is that they get the topic right but they don’t really answer the question that being posed to them. If the question is to describe the impact of technology on modern library systems do not hand in 3 pages on the Dewey Decimal System. III. The third and easiest way to point out a cheater is when the â€Å"author† doesn’t even bother changing the font from a web font to the default MS Word font. I mean come on people, how lame do you have to be to think that no one is going to wonder why you used 4 different fonts, and a web font?!? Again, let me point this out again, I was a computer science major so the people I was in classes with were arguably better than average computer users. And still they would turn in papers with web fonts? IV. Avoid turning in papers where the British style of spelling is utilized. Does it not look suspicious when you suddenly begin spelling: Color as Colour Analyze as Analyse Skillful as Skilful Theater as Theatre So at the end of the day avoid being lazy and if you are going to be lazy about writing, do not be lazy about your research. Avoid Wikipedia, answer the question asked of you, consider fonts, and avoid the Kings English. Do these few things and your papers will be better than your classmates. Research Papers on 4 Ways to Spot a CheaterMind TravelStandardized TestingHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionResearch Process Part OneThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalWhere Wild and West MeetThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsEffects of Television Violence on Children

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx - Essay Example Karl Marx was a political scientist and economist from Germany who lived in the years 1818 to 1883. He analyzed capitalism in a revolutionary and pessimistic viewpoint. Marx concept was that the capitalist set the means of production while the laborer created the value of the products. Marx argued that capitalist’s profits are as a result of labor exploitation. It implies that, workers are paid low salaries compared to the value they create on the products to create profits. He, therefore, disliked the organizations that were deemed as profit- oriented (Landauer 356).  Marx argued that labor exploitation is the struggle and future downfall of the capitalism practices. To Marx, the tension between the workers and capitalists will intensify over time as the business grows (Landauer 356). The growth of the tension is due to large outfits’ inherent efficiency and their ability to go through the ever-ending system crisis. Marx argument was that the world is moving to a sys tem of two classes. The classes are few capitalists that are wealthy and a mass of underprivileged, unpaid workers. He, therefore, predicted capitalism fall and society movement towards communism. Marx described communism to be a scenario in which the workers will own the production means. They will therefore not exploit their labor in return for profit. His thinking affected several societies, including the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the 20th century.  Application of Marx theory in real life situation has led to two main deficiencies.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ardley, Neil et al. Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ardley, Neil et al. Music - Essay Example On audience participation, the performers gave signs to the audience to join them especially at the chorus part of the song. This they achieved by signaling their audience using their hands to join along, or by turning the microphone towards the audience(Ardley et al, 82.). The audience in turn picked up the meaning of the gestures and sang along. At times they would simply tell the audience to sing along which they did. When introducing a new song to the audience, the group first taught the audience the song lyrics and rhythm before singing it. They would then start by singing the song in a slow tempo, and increased it gradually as the audience learned the song better. The 2014 One Direction documentary Where we are talks about the rise of the One Direction from the X factor all the way to the San Siro stadium performance which was one of their peak moments in their music career. This documentary reveals to us what it took to make this music group successful. They relate their success to their audience. In this documentary they talk about planning on their shows prior to performance, and proper rehearsals to get used to the performance and prevent any awkward situations while on stage.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Presenting Business Plans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Presenting Business Plans - Research Paper Example The guitars will be relatively cheaper compared to our rivals. However, we will only sell guitars and not any other musical instruments. (Stimpson, P., & Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations. (2003) Cambridge University Press) The target market will be teenagers and adults who are interested in buying good quality guitars but cannot buy guitars from expensive brands. Also, the market would be for new guitar players who are not aware of a lot of these brands. The key aim is going to be to sell cheap guitars to people who want to learn it as the intermediate guitar players are likely to stick to companies like Gibson and Yamaha. We are going to sell all types of guitars. The types will include acoustic guitars, electric guitars, semi-electric guitars, hollow body acoustic guitars, hollow body semi-acoustic guitars and jazz guitars. Basically, we will be importing these guitars from different countries where the guitars are relatively cheaper according to our research. These countries include Thailand, Japan, Korea and Canada. The guitars will not be from a well-known brand. However, these will be from different local companies in different countries. The quality will be guaranteed on every guitar as our staff is highly trained. We are not going to have a massive number of employees. Some of my friends are good guitar players and they are capable in determining if the guitar is worth buying. It is basically a partnership firm and on the top of the hierarchy, there are going to be 3 partners including myself. The two partners will be in charge of buying the guitars from different countries. These people are highly skilled in playing guitar and they have a good idea in buying these guitars. These people will be travelling once every 6 months and are going to buy a good number of guitars. Depending on the market and the demand, these people are then going to go to buy the guitars according to the preferences from our loyal customers. Below us, there

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Child Abuse: Long term harms

Child Abuse: Long term harms Parents today dont realize that the harm that they are doing to their children will eventually be passed down from generation to generation; their children are todays abused tomorrows abusers. Obviously, parents or guardians will not understand the impact that is caused to their child until they acknowledging there childs choice in life style. In particular, child abuse is a mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, beating, and, sexual molestation (Salus). Child abuse has an enormous impact among many families globally because child abuse is a detrimental aspect of a childs life as well as the developmental stages in a childs life, which would cause them to have physical, psychological, or behavioral consequences as they grow. Therefore, the maltreatment and neglect in child abuse is a causative factor in youth suicide, crime, homeless, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse as well as unemployment in a victims life span (info,†¦.). In particular, there are parents, guardians and even caregivers that would imply that an injury resulting from abuse is accidental because they did not intended to hurt the child. For example, some guardians that discipline there children could be abusing them psychologically or even physically (Asseal). Additionally, people would think that the way they discipline a child is perfectly fine because they want them to learn how to do it the proper way (Bissel). The parental or guardian will always try to make the right choice which would be either to let it go or punish the child. To summarize, people will never know how much the discipline or punishment can lead to in the long run. My expository thesis statement is child abuse is an enormous problem among many families globally because child abuse is a detrimental aspect of a childs life as well as the developmental stages in a childs life, which would cause them to have physical, psychological, or behavioral consequences as they grow . Indeed, many people say that child abuse should be legal because an injury resulting from physical abuse is not accidental the parent or caregiver may not have intended to hurt the child. However, child abuse shouldnt be legalize under any certain circumstance because children can end up with physical, psychological or even behavioral consequences. Initially, child abuse should not be legalized under any circumstance because as children get older they can generate a physical consequence. It is stated that physical abuse is among of the top three largest types of child abuse that affect the children globally. For instance, during 2003 18.9 percent of children were physically abused (Services,†¦). Likewise, more than one-quarter of children who had been in foster care for longer than 12 months had some lasting or recurring health problem (Bissell). As a result it has been shown, in some cases, to cause important regions of the brain to fail to form or grow properly, resulting in impaired development (Bissell). In some cases the physical effects are temporary; however, the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted (Families,..). The immediate physical effects of abuse can be relatively minor like bruises or cuts or severe where there are broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death (Bissell). If this type of a buse can be prevented it should be prevented because every day three out of ten children die. Studies also state that child abuse would affect a childs young development and are prone to physical consequences. Whereas, if the child have extremely abusive guardians the child will tends to end up with physical consequences. In summation, if children have physical consequence due the child abuse, we dont we do more to prevent it? Next child abuse has different consequences such as psychological which affect a childs development mentally. Furthermore, research shows that children that are abuse will have one of the psychological consequences. About 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological consequence (Salus). To illustrate, as many as 80 percent of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder at age 21 (Salus). In addition, these young adults exhibited many problems, including anxiety, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and posttraumatic stress disorder (service, †¦). The immediate emotional effects of abuse and neglect isolation, fear, and an inability to trust can translate into lifelong consequences, including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties (Salus). Depression and withdrawal symptoms were common among children as young as 3 who experienced emotional, physical, or enviro nmental neglect (information,†¦). Due to abuse the child can have a dramatic impact on a child when they are young which means as they get older they can develop a psychological consequence. Obviously, children who experience rejection or neglect are more likely to develop antisocial traits as they grow up ( Children that have a psychological consequence due to child abuse have problems opening up to people. As a result, of child abuse that leads to psychological consequences is this research worth the cost? For children globally, that have been abused will have behavioral consequences as they grow older. In other words, they will not know how to control the life nor the choices they are making along the way. Due to the abusers, in the long run children that have been abused will more likely appear to have behavioral consequences at a young age and as they get older. Consequently, children who experience child abuse and neglect are 59 percent more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28 percent more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30 percent more likely to commit violent crime (Bissell). In particular, studies have shown that abused and neglected children are at least 25 percent more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use, and mental health problems (Dawkins). Similarly, the possible consequence of child abuse can vary on the circumstance of the childs form of abuse (Familie,†¦). According to a National Institute of Justice study, abused and neglected children were 11 times more likely to be arrested for criminal behavior as a juvenile and 3.1 times more likely to be arrested for one of many forms of violent crime (Asseal). Research consistently reflects an increased likelihood that abused and neglected children will smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, or take illicit drugs during their lifetime (Claims†¦). Even though people dont think that a behavioral consequence is possible due to child abuse it is and it will affect the child in a young stage of their life. Therefore, child abuse should be controlled so that children do not have to go through all these ups and down with all their wrong choices. In conclusion, child abuse shouldnt be legalized under any certain circumstance for the reason that children can end up with physical, psychological or even behavioral consequences. Furthermore, child abuse has a great contribution in many families globally, as a result of child abuse which is be a detrimental aspect in a childs life as well as in their developmental stages. Since, child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education. Taking one simple action and reporting child abuse will help prevent a child from being abuse. As well as giving those whom have been abused hope for a brighter future. However, child abuse does not go away, but 90 percent of those who are abused are preventable. For instance, if a parent would stop and just think for a minute about the consequences that may occur to the child in the long run, they would not think of abusing the child. Therefore, there would be just one le ss child being abused.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Joshua and the Children: Many Reasons :: Joshua and The Children Essays

Joshua and the Children: Many Reasons There were a lot of reasons Joseph Girzone titled his book "Joshua and the Children". I think the main reason for the title was because of Joshua’s purpose in the town. The author explains how Joshua is there to fulfill "his Father’s" promise. Joshua wants to teach all the children of the town to get along and be at peace with each other. Joshua says it is too late for the adults to learn the way, who have lived hateful lives. Joshua must turn to the children if he wishes to change the future. He believes that if he teaches the children to not hate, and to respect others, regardless of racial or ethnic differences, then the world will improve when they become adults. This new generation will then bring happiness to the world. Joshua knows that these children were victims of their parents’ wrongdoings. He knows that they were born into a society filled with hate. Hate for members of a different race. Hate without reasoning. He feels it is wron g what the adults are doing to the children. They are being brought up to believe that it is OK to mistreat somebody who is "different" from you. This is why Joshua felt he should teach the children, and not the adults. Once Joshua started to communicate with the children, and got to know them better the adults were amazed at how Joshua related to the children so well. He knew their names right from the second he met them, he played their games, and he even let himself lose at them too. Eventually the adults in the town began to realize that whoever this Joshua really was, he was a role model for each and every one of them. The Muslim boy was a very important character in this book. He and one his friends went down to the square where Joshua met with the children every day. His friend told Joshua that the boy was blind. Everybody in the square watched in disbelief as Joshua cured the boy’s blindness with the touch of his hand. The boy’s family were the weapons distributors. After seeing that Joshua was able to fix their boy, they too became good people and thus, making the town a better place. The final event in the story that showed peace was achieved was a soccer game with the Catholics playing against the Protestants.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Economic Boom of the 1920s Essay

Only those who know little or nothing about economics and the very naive did not know in the year 1925 that economic hard times follow good times as economic booms and slumps are cyclical. Still, there were various reasons why even seasoned economists may have speculated that economic prosperity of the 1920s would continue forevermore. Machinery, manufacturing plants and â€Å"the process of standardized mass production† were the main reasons for the excitement of the 1920s (Schultz and Tischler). In fact, the economy of the United States continued to grow until 1929. The First World War had encouraged industry to expand. Labor shortages coupled with the need to increase production had stimulated the development of efficient modes of production. Taylorism or scientific management to streamline processes of production in order to increase production capacity had been introduced around the country. With new machinery and management tools, worker productivity was raised. This rise in productivity increased wages, thereby increasing consumption. Americans were also encouraged to use credit to fuel consumption at the time. The installment plan was an innovation of the 1920s. What is more, the government supported businesses by raising tariffs on foreign goods, reducing personal income tax and corporate tax, repealing taxes on profits, and looking into unfair trade practices as a means to encourage businesses to expand (Schultz and Tischler). The consumer psychology in 1925 was another reason why many may have reasoned that economic slumps are a thing of the past. Americans had the radio at the time, in addition to a growing motion picture industry to keep their mindsets positive. They also had electric appliances at home and a growing automobile industry making them believe their lives had changed forevermore in a positive direction (Schultz and Tischler). Then again, all those who know about the economic boom bust cycle were aware in 1925 that a slump is sure to follow a boom. Works Cited Schultz, Stanley K. , and William P. Tischler. â€Å"Civil War to the Present. † American History 102. 1999. 1 Mar 2009.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Compulsive Shopping essays

Compulsive Shopping essays Compulsive Shopping Compulsive shopping is an affliction that affects 15 million Americans (13.5 million women and 1.5 million men). (Bertagnoli, 2003) Compulsive shopping, or the risk of becoming a compulsive shopper, affects approximately between two and eight percent of Americans. (Chaker, 2003) But, what is this condition known to the psychiatric community as Oniomania, in its simplest definition, is an obsession with purchasing items. Those suffering from compulsive shopping find themselves purchasing items they don't need. They often purchase multiples of an item. Deborah Rodriguez, a confirmed compulsive shopper, related coming "home with six packages of clothespins even though she didn't own a clothesline." (Chaker, 2003) Acknowledging this pattern of behavior as a problem is step one in finding a cure; uncovering the causes of the behavior is the next Some professionals surmise that compulsive shopping is an emotional disorder. Those suffering from this problem often use the purchasing of products to fill an emotional void in their lives. Many try to replace missing love and affection with the purchasing of items. Others hide behind their purchasing habits, from real life situations. Karen Patterson (2003) states that these purchases "create and remind one of one's identity, () create feelings of well-being to counter feelings of emotional or social emptiness, ( and) express the self for self- The cause, for this disorder, may take root in social causes as well. It may be a learned behavior from parents of children who used material rewards. Americans also have the tendency to equate material items with success and social status. Keeping up with the Jones'' has never been more true. No matter what cause spurred a healthy, responsible shopping ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Female Eunuch

Story of an Hour: Seen but Not Heard†¦Women in the Victorian Age Written by: Svenmancke In an age where bustles, petticoats, and veils stifled women physically, it is not surprising that society imposed standards that stifled them mentally. Women were molded into an ideal form from birth, with direction as to how they should speak, act, dress, and marry. They lacked education, employable skills, and rights in any form. Every aspect of their life was controlled by a male authority figure starting with their father at birth and persisting through early womanhood into marriage where it was the husband who possessed control. Men believed that it was the law of the bible for one of the two parties to be superior and the other inferior. Women were ruled over as children and were to be seen†¦but not heard. Author and feminist Kate Chopin lived in the height of the Victorian Era and was a first-hand witness to the suppression women endured and accepted in the late 19th century. Unlike most women at the time, Chopin was far from a conformist. Kate showed increasing concern for the plight of women in Victorian age America and she responded with scandalous writings dealing explicitly with love, sex and marriage. In one of her more famous short stories, The Story of an Hour, her refusal to be silenced is all too evident. Chopin presents a character known simply as Mrs. Mallard. The lack of personal identity is evident in this name. Not once in this story is her first name mentioned illustrating the lack of individuality possessed by these women. The name also reveals another element in the formula representing the ideal Victorian housewife. Mallard ducks are docile, unthreatening creatures that when in flight, fly in form...never wavering from their perfect V. This loyalty to conformity and meekness was the ideal society demanded. The similarity between mallards and women is striking and it is appalling how men ruled over women as if ... Free Essays on The Female Eunuch Free Essays on The Female Eunuch Story of an Hour: Seen but Not Heard†¦Women in the Victorian Age Written by: Svenmancke In an age where bustles, petticoats, and veils stifled women physically, it is not surprising that society imposed standards that stifled them mentally. Women were molded into an ideal form from birth, with direction as to how they should speak, act, dress, and marry. They lacked education, employable skills, and rights in any form. Every aspect of their life was controlled by a male authority figure starting with their father at birth and persisting through early womanhood into marriage where it was the husband who possessed control. Men believed that it was the law of the bible for one of the two parties to be superior and the other inferior. Women were ruled over as children and were to be seen†¦but not heard. Author and feminist Kate Chopin lived in the height of the Victorian Era and was a first-hand witness to the suppression women endured and accepted in the late 19th century. Unlike most women at the time, Chopin was far from a conformist. Kate showed increasing concern for the plight of women in Victorian age America and she responded with scandalous writings dealing explicitly with love, sex and marriage. In one of her more famous short stories, The Story of an Hour, her refusal to be silenced is all too evident. Chopin presents a character known simply as Mrs. Mallard. The lack of personal identity is evident in this name. Not once in this story is her first name mentioned illustrating the lack of individuality possessed by these women. The name also reveals another element in the formula representing the ideal Victorian housewife. Mallard ducks are docile, unthreatening creatures that when in flight, fly in form...never wavering from their perfect V. This loyalty to conformity and meekness was the ideal society demanded. The similarity between mallards and women is striking and it is appalling how men ruled over women as if ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Roles of The Presidents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Roles of The Presidents - Essay Example Documented evidence available indicates that the administration of President Dwight David Eisenhower is considered to have been responsible for starting the war. His presidency is in fact looked at in two contexts, with the most prominent one involving the strategy he employed to wage the Cold War. He was intensely dedicated to the policy of containing socialism by deploying economic and military aid, forming defensive alliances, and finally by threatening to exercise U.S. military power (Jonathan, 2004). With the exit of the French from Vietnam, it is stated that Eisenhower decided to support the South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem believing to get some success in return. This was not to be the case With this failure, Eisenhower knew that a destructive atomic war was in the offing. Although he wanted to avert this possibility as much as possible, he was on the other prepared to employ clandestine and deliberately misleading methods to achieve his nation's national security goals (Jonathan, 2004). He had used the same strategy in Iran and later in Guatemala working through the Central Intelligence Agency. Although his party lost control of Congress, he won an overwhelming personal victory at the polls. President John F. Escalation of the conflict. President John F. Kennedy ascended into office with a conviction that America might and ought to shape the destiny of the world's developing countries. Primarily, Vietnam was not one of his mental preoccupations. In fact Vietnam was not on his list of priorities nor was it either discussed as a key issue at the transition meeting during the take over from Eisenhower. But sometime in the middle of his administration when the Vietnam issue had become more urgent, Kennedy simply remarked that Eisenhower never uttered the word Vietnam (Sylvia, 2004). He never strongly condemned the Vietnam War, an indication that he aided in its escalation. In fact it is only one of his key advisers who is known to have spoken against the war. President Kennedy started sending American forces to Vietnam in May 1961 and by the end of 1962, the military had received 11,300 US officers operating in South Vietnam, thus slowly escalating American involvement in the war. But towards the end of 1963, the war was still far from being over. This caused President Kennedy to organize the assassination of Diem of the South Vietnam regime. Before Kennedy was able to pull out 1,000 men from Vietnam at the end of the year as he had announced, was assassinated on November 22, 1963, having helped to escalate America's military, political, and maybe psychological commitment to Vietnam (Jonathan, 2004). Responsibility for America's disappointment in the Vietnam War is most squarely placed at the feet of Lyndon Johnson. It was him following President Kennedy's death in 1963 that increased America's military involvement in Vietnam and it was also during his administration that most American casualties were suffered. It is even documented that on 28 June 1966, the United States started bombing petrol, oil and lubricants facilities in the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong, a move considered in many quarters as directed mainly against civilians (Jonathan, 2004). President Nixon on the other hand must be held accountable nearly as much as Lyndon Johnson for the failure of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich Essay

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich is murfreesboro TN - Essay Example Americans value independence and freedom than the people of Saudi Arabia. This entails independence and freedom for religion, gender, among others. In contrast, Saudi Arabia restricts individual freedom. Everything has to be done according to Islam and ancient customs. There is also a significant difference in weather between Saudi Arabia and Murfreesboro, Tennessee. In Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the winter season is characterized by snowy conditions and the summer with hot conditions. In contrast, Saudi Arabia is always sunny and hot. There is no chance of experiencing snowy conditions in Saudi Arabia. Finally, people in America have little respect for the law in comparison to people in Saudi Arabia. This is because in Saudi Arabia, the law is made according to strict Islamic rules while in America the law is made to incorporate all. I would love to live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee than Saudi Arabia because of the above differences between the two areas. There is freedom in America, there is a variety of weather, and the law is inclusive of all regardless of religion, age, gender, or